Boro Lasses Get Their Skates On

Northern women are known for being brassy and unafraid to get down and dirty, which is why so many of them are  signing up for roller derby- a sport played by Mad Max style gangs, duking it out on skates.

Aswell as  leagues in cities (Newcastle, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Manchester, and Sheffield), The Middlesbrough Milk Rollers are representing the smaller areas.

The Milk Rollers, who were named after the North’s most famous baked product,  are looking for lads and lasses to skate, referee and cheer them on as they work their way through the UK’s 27 teams.

What is roller derby?
It’s a full-contact roller sport that is played with two teams of five girls competing against one another around a track, which is run by the skaters, for the skaters , is set to ace music and has it’s fair share of thrills and spill.

See how it works here and if you want to find out more about the Milk Rollers visit their site…but be warned, it’s as addictive as Gigi’s garlic sauce.

By on November 29, 2009

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