Fanfarlo & Race Horses & Lilliput At The Cluny, Newcastle Fri 24th Feb 2012

Great second albums……. Meat is Murder, Easy Pieces, Dolittle, Aha Shake Heartbreak, Bizarro, Leggy Mambo……..

What better way to spend a Friday night than on a “The Kids Are Solid Gold” bus trip from Boro to Newcastle. 19 hardy souls boarded at the Linny, landed at The Cluny and a great evening of entertainment unfolded before their eyes. First priority was food. The Cluny offers an array of great delicacies to satisfy the hunger of even the most hungry traveller. An array of beers to satisfy the thirst of the most thirsty drinker. So food was ordered, drinks were purchased, and the evening was off with a bang. Tonight we were looking forward to three bands. Two of whom I knew I would enjoy and one I had never heard of.

Began the night as midgets amongst two giants but ended as giants among giants. Some even considered them the best act of the night. This is no mean praise amongst the likes of Race Horses and Fanfarlo. A blend of Bon Ivor, Fleet Foxes, Bob Dylan and The Band. This Sunderland band are another name to add to the list of great bands from the North-East of England. It seems every week we stumble upon another band that we really need to take to our hearts. Like Gulliver these boys are going to travel. World-wide, I have no doubt. Best track was Little Wanderer, available on Soundcloud and an absolute classic. I have just added their name to the ever growing list of bands to watch. I encourage you to do the same.


Like a Welsh Julian Cope, Meilyr Jones, the lead singer of this fantastic troupe stalks the stage not really knowing what to do next. Banging a big drum, playing guitar, jumping into the audience, smiling fantastically. I love Race Horses, me. I actually forgot how absolutely brilliant these boys are. It is well over a year since I saw them last but they have come back bigger, stronger, taller, fitter. They played nine songs. Only three of which were “old”. Six new songs might just wash over you but not with these boys. I cannot wait for album number two because on tonights showing it is going to be brilliant. My wife described Meilyrs voice as “Chocolate caramel and sherbet dip daps”. Best band of the night? Yes, by a nose!!!


Grangetown 02920
What am I to do
My year abroad
See no green
Marged Wedi Blino


Now if you have been paying attention over the past two years you will know that Fanfarlo are one of our favourite bands. Their debut album is one of our all time favourites. But I have a confession, I have not really heard the new album. I have ordered it on “special box set” but it has not arrived yet. So a lot of tonights songs might wash over me. I hear bits of Roxy Music and Talking Heads which is good. I also hear bits of the old stuff but mixed with a more polished sound. I think it is going to be great. And when they play the old stuff they are fantastic. And I hope once I actually own the new album it will worm its way into my brain the same way that “Reservoir” did. They started a bit slow as I suppose a lot of the audience do not know the new stuff but with their infectious enthusiasm they quickly have everyone loving them.
Like the Race Horses they are not only a great band but a great bunch of people. Both bands stay behind afterwards to chat and sign posters, records, chests, whatever. I am already looking forward to the next time for both. And I am well excited for both second albums being added to the list above.

A big thank-you to all the bands, The Cluny and Andy & Phil at Kids Are Solid Gold. They have loads of great stuff coming up at The Westgarth in Middlesbrough, (The Milk, Imperial Leisure and Boo Hewerdine) The Sun Inn at Stockton (Stockton Calling and A Place in the Sun) and back at The Cluny (Dry the River) later in the year. Check out their web site for full details. Also check out the photos at our Facebook page.


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By on March 3, 2012

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